Imlie 20th May 2023 Written Update: Rudra Reunites with Atharva – A Heartwarming Family Reunion

Welcome to our comprehensive coverage of the latest episode of Imlie 20th May 2023 Written Update. In this emotionally charged episode, we witness a heartwarming family reunion that has been long overdue. Join us as we delve into the intricate details of the episode, highlighting the key moments that tugged at our heartstrings.


Atharva’s Unexpected Encounter

The episode begins with a surprising encounter as Atharva stumbles upon Kerry with Imlie. His eyes well up with tears, and he softly utters the word “Dad,” leaving Rudra taken aback and deeply moved.

This unexpected reunion marks the first interaction between Atharva and Rudra in five long years, bringing a mix of emotions to the surface.

Rudra, clearly startled, reminds Atharva that his absence has left the entire family feeling empty and desolate. However, Atharva asserts that he has found happiness in his life without them and has moved on.

The conflicting emotions between Rudra and Atharva lay the groundwork for a series of revelations and a path towards healing.

A Web of Secrets Unraveled

As the conversation unfolds, Rudra seeks answers from Atharva regarding Cheeni’s whereabouts. Surprised by Rudra’s knowledge, Atharva ponders how much Rudra truly knows.

Meanwhile, Cheeni, desperately searching for Kerry in the house, fears that she may have gone to the camp to give Imlie the Mother’s Day card.

She immediately contacts Atharva, who promises her that he will return home with Kerry. However, Rudra insists that Atharva accompany them, setting the stage for a confrontation fueled by anger and resentment.

Atharva reveals a shocking truth—that the house Rudra wishes Atharva to return to is already Dhairya’s, and it was Rudra who orchestrated the accident that tore him away from his family.

On the other side, Cheeni, overcome with emotion, confesses that she was the mastermind behind the tragedy five years ago. Her plan was to separate Atharva from Imlie, bringing him closer to her.

Atharva recollects his eight-month-long coma after the accident, during which Cheeni dedicatedly cared for him. He further discloses that Dhairya was the one behind it all, with evidence linking him to the accident site.

Clarifying Misunderstandings

Rudra, grappling with the revelations, advises Atharva not to jump to conclusions and misunderstand the situation. He reassures Atharva that his place in the Rana family remains significant and urges him to reconsider their bond.

Atharva, however, coldly proclaims that he is no longer Rudra’s son, while Cheeni vows not to let Imlie take Atharva and Kerry away from her life.

Read More: Imlie 21st May 2023 Written Update

Imlie’s Emotional Dilemma

Amidst the family turmoil, Imlie finds herself spending precious moments with Kerry. Overwhelmed with emotions, Kerry implores Imlie to share Mother’s Day with her every year.

This request leaves Imlie deeply saddened, and she embraces Kerry, aware of the imminent separation. As Imlie rushes to depart for the airport, her locket becomes entangled in Kerry’s clothing, almost revealing a hidden secret.

Atharva intervenes just in time, advising Kerry to return home. Although Kerry begs to accompany Imlie, Atharva firmly refuses. Meanwhile, Rudra approaches Dhairya, urging him to confess his feelings to Imlie.

From a distance, Rudra shows Atharva and Kerry Dhairya’s presence, surprising both of them. Rudra assures Dhairya that Atharva is content and leading his own life with Cheeni and their daughter, Kerry.

Rudra’s plan involves gradually revealing the truth to Imlie, hoping that when the time comes, she will find solace in Dhairya’s companionship. While travelling with Kerry, Atharva accidentally discovers Imlie’s locket.

Opening it, he is astounded to find his own photograph inside. Kerry reveals that Imlie keeps a picture of her “prince” in the locket and talks to it throughout the day. Intrigued and compelled by the revelation, Atharva decides to return to the camp to uncover the truth.

A Proposal in the Making

Meanwhile, Dhairya sets the stage for a romantic moment with Imlie. He leads her into a beautifully decorated room, bathed in the warm glow of red lights.

With heartfelt emotions, Dhairya kneels down and proposes to Imlie, embarking on a path that could redefine their relationship.

In a Nutshell: Imlie 20th May 2023 Written Update

In this eventful episode of Imlie, we witness the power of family bonds and the complexities that come with them. Atharva’s reunion with Rudra brings both joy and pain, as long-held secrets come to light.

Imlie’s emotional turmoil and Dhairya’s heartfelt proposal add layers of depth to the storyline, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next chapter.

Stay tuned for more updates and unravel the captivating journey of Imlie as it continues to explore the intricacies of love, relationships, and self-discovery.

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