Anupama 6th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Anupama Faces Tragedy

In the latest episode of “Anupama” on 6th July 2023, we witness a shocking turn of events as Anuj and Anupama grapple with the sudden death of Maaya.

During Maaya’s condolence meeting, Anupama remembers the incident before the accident and finds solace in a god’s idol returned by Maaya. Anuj, understanding her pain, offers comfort by holding her hand.


The atmosphere is heavy with grief and disbelief as Barkha expresses her shock at the suddenness of Maaya’s passing. Amidst the mourning, doubts arise about the circumstances surrounding Maaya’s accident.

Barkha wonders if Anuj, agitated by Maaya’s drama, had a hand in her tragic fate. The tension rises as Ankush, too, expresses his desire to be free of Barkha’s presence. Amidst the family’s debates, Anupama and Anuj find themselves burdened by sorrow and guilt.

At the Shah house, Leela proposes that Anuj should have admitted Maaya to a mental asylum. The family engages in a lively discussion, but Dimpy notices the contrasting nature of their conversations.

Instead of offering traditional condolences, they engage in debates. Kinjal expresses her sympathy for Little Anu, while Toshu and Vanraj worry about Anuj and Anupama’s well-being.

Leela voices her concerns about Anupama’s plans to visit America, believing she should stay and care for Little Anu. However, Vanraj and Kavya are determined to support Anupama’s aspirations, with Kavya volunteering to take care of Little Anu.

Read More: Anupama In Dilemma After Maaya’s Death

Dimpy observes the family’s struggle to handle their issues while attempting to manage others. As the family rushes to the condolence meeting, Samar suggests that he and Dimpy ride on a bike due to limited space.

Dimpy protests, preferring to go with the family to avoid the sun and protect her makeup and hair. Samar’s attempts to reason with her fail and Dimpy becomes more antagonistic toward the Shah family, especially Anupama.

Samar, growing frustrated, can’t silence her negativity. Dimpy confidently states that she doesn’t believe Anupama will go to America in the current situation, causing Samar to counter that Anupama will make it happen.

The heated argument leaves Samar irritated, while Dimpy remains convinced that the Shahs are in the wrong.

Meanwhile, Anuj finds himself lost in thought while filling a glass of water. Anupama notices his distraction and lovingly offers him water. Anuj expresses his anger towards Maaya but clarifies that he never wished her harm.

Anupama reminds him that they must never harbour ill intentions towards anyone, especially the mother of their daughter. Anuj shares his anguish, drawing parallels between Maaya’s death and the accident that took his parents’ lives.

Maaya had apologized and seemed to be on the path to redemption, making her sudden demise even more devastating. Anupama blames herself for the accident, feeling responsible for Little Anu’s loss.

Anuj reassures her, explaining that it was not her fault and that people’s lives are predetermined. Anupama tearfully apologizes to him and embraces him tightly.

The Shah family arrives at the Kapadia house for the condolence meeting. Pakhi, overcome with grief, clings to Vanraj, who checks on her well-being. Pakhi shares that only Anupama was able to console Little Anu, highlighting the void in the little girl’s life.

Barkha remarks that Little Anu has lost one mother and is about to lose another as Anupama prepares to leave for America. Anupama, heartbroken by Barkha’s words, steps aside feeling upset.

Vanraj offers her water and questions her decision to go to the US in just two days. Anupama recalls her promise to Little Anu, assuring her that she would always be there when needed. Unsure of what to do, she decides to check on Little Anu.

Just as she starts to walk away, Vanraj stops her, urging her not to give up on her dreams and emphasizing the importance of going to the USA.

Episode Ends!

In the upcoming episode, we witness Little Anu grieving for Maaya, unable to comprehend her loss. Anuj tries to console her, explaining that Maaya can’t come back. Meanwhile, Nakul seeks guidance from Gurumaa about Anupama’s future in America.

Gurumaa cryptically responds, mentioning Anupama’s encounter with her Natraj form and hinting at an upcoming angry revelation. Anupama, burdened with guilt, wonders how Little Anu will react when she discovers that her mother’s death was because of her mother.

Anuj assures her that they are the only ones aware of the truth. Little do they know that Barkha is eavesdropping on their conversation.

Get ready for an emotional roller coaster as “Anupama” takes you through the turmoil of love, loss, and shattered dreams.

Will Anupama find the strength to pursue her dreams despite heartache? How will Little Anu cope with the truth about her mother’s death? Stay tuned to find out in the next episode!

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